Does Porn Game Addiction Really Exist?

When we consider the idea of addiction, our mind’s eye often quickly diverts to alcohol, cigarettes, mainstream gaming, and casinos. We’ve seen Leaving Las Vegas, the images of Nicholas Cage down and out remain seared into our heads.

But porn addiction is making its way into more mainstream concern. People do get addicted to watching porn for various reasons. Ultimately, that’s not overly surprising. But what about porn games?

Are porn games addictive? Can you get addicted to a site like Porn Games? Notice, we use capital letters to signify we are talking brand, not technology. Porn Games is a site. And a wildly popular sex game site, at that. Porn Games has grown considerably over the past few years. Some of that is due to the sites sex game library expansion, but also due to more people flocking to porn game sites in general.

I don’t think this article needs a deep dive investigation. Gaming is addictive – we know that. Porn is addictive – we know that. So yeah, playing entertaining sexy porn games is an ultimate addictive combination.

But should we be worried about porn game addiction?

That’s a mixed bag.

Any addiction should serve as a red flag warning. That said, most fun things are addictive. If something is exciting and fun, you’ll want to do it over and over. The only real way to avoid addiction is to avoid doing anything fun. That’s a bit of a generalization, of course. Taking a walk may be fun, but probably not addictive. But games in general can be addictive – see Chess. We aren’t suggesting people avoid Chess, though.

But if we consider Chess, we do consider the heart of this matter. If you are playing Chess so much that you aren’t getting your work accomplished, you forget to drink water, or it ruins your marriage, then Chess addiction is a problem.

This is how porn game addiction works. If playing porn games interrupts you life, you need to slow your roll, or even stop playing. People get addicted to mainstream games like Overwatch. Hey, there’s Overwatch porn out there for a reason.

Yes, porn game addiction is real. Yes, it can be concerning. But its really the same as most any other addiction. At least with gaming we don’t have the added concern of chemical enhancements, such as we find in cigarettes. That’s not to marginalize porn game addiction, rather to put things into perspective.

What To Do About Porn Game Addiction

If you do find yourself addicted to porn games, cease play. Maybe consider therapy. But definitely stop playing. You need to assess what’s causing the issue – or, get to the root of the problem.

If you aren’t addicted to porn games but rather are concerned it could happen, watch out for warning signs.

·       Are you slacking at work?

·       Do you sense relationship issues brewing?

·       Have you ever felt dehydrated while playing porn games?

·       Do you think non-stop about porn games?

If any of this is happening, you need to stop and reassess.

Otherwise, hey, enjoy playing porn games.