"Let's go back to the apartment," Amber said (a gorgeous Miami escort), her hand gently stroking my thigh as we waited for our taxi at a red light on Lexington Avenue and 81st Street. She sighed in frustration as the light turned green. We'd been walking all morning trying to avoid crowds, while I was desperately hoping for some quality time alone with her, without the pressure of a restaurant or club, when this random act of traffic brought us together. As we were being pulled by an honking cab behind us, she looked up at me with a half smile. Her eyes were soft and vulnerable, like an eighteen-year-old girl after a rough night out. With one arm around her waist and the other resting across her breasts, I ran my thumb over her full lower lip, forcing myself to stay focused and not think about how I wanted to feel that mouth wrapped around my cock right then. The cabbie had turned his radio down, so I leaned closer to hear what he was saying, trying to pretend like I wasn't getting hard. "You know, you're pretty cute," I said, cupping one of her cheeks with my free hand and kissing her cheek. I could smell her breath—sweet, natural, dewy air, something fresh and clean that made me crave to inhale it forever.
Amber opened her mouth to respond but didn't say anything. She reached up and rested her head against mine, closing her eyes and relaxing into the warmest moment I'd experienced with any woman in years. It felt wonderful to just be there with her. There were no preconceived notions or rules to follow. No expectation to uphold. I closed my eyes too, enjoying the rare sensation of simply existing in a moment together. The feeling grew deeper as our lips touched, gentle and fleeting at first, as if only seconds away from parting. Then, she moaned softly into my mouth. I felt her tongue slip into my mouth as she pushed herself forward. And still the kiss continued. It was a sensual interlude that ignited every desire inside me. Every instinct and want became a desperate need to be joined. Finally, I pressed my lips against hers harder and broke the kiss, my mouth against hers taking it to a fever pitch as I growled deep within my chest. She tasted better than the most expensive French wine. I let my hands slide up her body, caressing her small firm breasts before settling on her flat stomach. I kissed along her jawline, running my fingers along the soft skin of her neck. My hands found their way between her legs, gently brushing along her sex through the thin silk dress. When she spread her thighs apart and ground her crotch against my erection, I knew I was going to make love to her right then. There would be no turning back. Our lips locked together once more, slipping and pulling apart, hungry for each other. I slipped my hands beneath her shoulders, raising her slightly as I kissed her deeply again. My body tightened in anticipation as I slid her silk dress off of her hips, pushing her panties down her long bare legs.
"I've missed you so much," she whispered into my ear, sliding her tongue against my flesh, exploring every inch of my body as she traced circles with her fingertips on my nipples. Her voice was broken, breathy and sweet, her hair smelling like shampoo. I lost myself completely in those moments, in that kiss, wanting nothing more than to push the rest of the world away, close my eyes, and give myself over to pure passion and desire. As my arms snaked around her naked body, the walls began to shift and ripple around us. There was a palpable sense of energy surrounding us. Amber clung to me tighter as she began to moan softly in response. My vision blurred as I tried to get used to the rapidly changing colors. Something was happening to me; my muscles were seizing, leaving my limbs useless, twitching uncontrollably as I fought to remain standing. Just when I thought I might pass out, my heart stuttered and jumped, my chest constricting until I couldn't breathe. The same strange burning started inside me, moving from my core outward in fiery waves of heat and pleasure, building until I thought I might explode. A dull pain appeared behind my eyes, becoming sharper, stronger as my muscles twisted and strained. Everything happened so fast, I had trouble following what was happening around me, even though everything else seemed to slow down. As my eyelids shut tight, reality slowly returned.
I woke up curled on top of Amber in a bed. Without opening my eyes, I took in the plush carpeting, wooden headboard, pale blue curtains, small lamp, framed pictures, thick drapes, and white leather sofa scattered around us. In that short amount of time, my entire world had changed. I lifted my face, slowly revealing the faint freckles on my nose, now distinctively clear thanks to the lights. My tongue felt like it weighed three times its normal weight like on LuxureTv, heavy and slow in movement, like my brain had detached itself from my body and was floating above it. I took a quick inventory of my surroundings. I'd slept here last night, somehow having stumbled into this dreamscape while asleep, naked in bed. Amber was fully clothed next to me, still wearing the low cut sleeveless black dress I'd put her in yesterday afternoon. My stomach dropped as I realized where I was, and who was still sleeping next to me. Fuck. Did I do that? Was that my fault? I groaned as I tried to get comfortable, unable to move, my eyes fluttering open. Amber sat up, stretching her arms and bending her knees. She took a quick look around, then reached over and plucked the remote from my pants pocket. "Hey, how long have you been awake?"
I struggled to lift my head. "Mmm...a couple hours."
"Are you okay?" she asked, placing her hands on my forehead and looking into my eyes. I noticed a slight haze over her face, not only did I say I was ok, I proceeded to make to love to her again....When our session was over, we decided to meet again, for the upcoming weekend and see where destiny takes us.